Sunday, May 8, 2016

Network concepts in aix?

Network concepts in aix?

To configure the ethernet card

To Assign IP address to the NIC
smitty tcpip

#ifconfig en0 inet netmask up

To add IP alias temporarily to the NIC
#ifconfig en0 alias netmask up
To delete temporarily created IP alias
#ifconfig en0 delete 

To add IP alias permanently to the NIC
 #chdev -l <interface> -a alias4=<IP_address>,<Netmask>
To delete permanently created IP alias
 #chdev -l <inteface> -a delalias4=<IP_address><Netmask>

To Disable IP address
#ifconfig en0 down (Turns off network card en0)

Enable IP address
#ifconfig en0 up (Turns on network card en0)

Remove IP address
#ifconfig en0 detach

Check status of the NIC
#ifconfig –a

Check the NIC device status
#entstat en0

#entstat –d en0    (for detailed information)

To change the hostname temporarily
#hostname <new hostname>
To change the hostname permanently
#chdev –l inet0 –a hostname=<new hostname>

Trace the HOST
#traceroute <server name>

. Assign gateway to network
#route add

Clear the gateway
#route –f (To clear the gateway)

List out all connections
#netstat -a
To list out only tcp connections
#netstat -at
To list out only udp connections
#netstat -au
To disable reverse dns lookup
#netstat -ant
To list out only listening connection
#netstat -tnl
To list process/user id of listening connection
#netstat -nlpt
To list out statistics of all packet 
#netstat -s
To display kernel routing info
#netstat -rn
To print out network interface
#netstat -i
To Detailed info of network interface
#netstat -ie
To get netstat continuous output
#netstat -ct
To display the multicast group info
#netstat -g
(To show the network buffers cache)
#netstat –c
(To show the net drops of packets)
#netstat –D
(To show routing table
#netstat –rn

#mktcpip -i en1 -h power1 -g 192.168.X.X -a 192.168.X.X -m
#ifconfig en1 down detach
#rmdev -dl en1
#ifconfig en1 up
#ifconfig en0 alias 192.168.X.X netmask up
#ifconfig en0 delete 192.168.X.X
#chdev -l en0 -a alias4=192.168.X.X ,
#chdev -l en0 -a delalias4=192.168.X.X,

Saturday, May 7, 2016

How to take alt_disk and update at the same time in aix?

How to take alt_disk and update at the same time in aix?

***Using the below command we can take the alt disk and perform the update on the same time.

      #alt_disk_copy -d <hdiskx> -b update_all -l <TL level path>

***To clone the running rootvg to hdisk2 & hdisk3, and execute update_all on all updates from /updates

      #alt_disk_copy -d "hdisk2 hdisk3" -b update_all -l /updates

The bootlist would then be set to boot from hdisk2 at the next reboot.