How to deal with performance monitoring in aix?
To display top 10 highly utilized files under /var FS: find /var –xdev –ls|sort +6rn|head
To list the top ten users of paging space in IBM AIX: svmon -Pgt 10
To list the top ten users of realmem in IBM AIX: svmon -Put 10
To see the memory usage of that process: svmon –p pid
To display top 10 CPU-consuming processes: ps aux | head -1; ps aux | sort
-rn +2 | head
To display top 10 memory-consuming processes: ps -ealf | head -1 ; ps -ealf |
sort -rn +9 | head
To display processes in order of being penalized: ps -eakl | head -1 ; ps -eakl |
sort -rn +5
To display processes in order of priority: ps -eakl | sort -n +6 | head
To display processes in order of time: ps vx | head -1 ; ps vx | grep -v
PID | sort -rn +3 | head -10
To display processes in order of real memory use: ps vx | head -1 ; ps vx | grep -v
PID | sort -rn +6 | head -10
To display processes in order of I/O: ps vx | head -1 ; ps vx | grep -v
PID | sort -rn +4 | head -10
To determining the PID of wait processes: ps vg | head -1 ; ps vg | grep -w
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