Tuesday, January 19, 2016

How to deal with NIM concepts and interview questions?

How to deal with NIM concepts and interview questions?

Filesets Required


nimd and nimesis – daemon will get started. Else restart the inetd / start the above daemons 
startsrc –g inetd
startsrc –s nimd/ nimesis

Daemons Required:

a) bootp protocol (BOOTPD)
   This is the initial communication made between NIM master and client during network boot.

b) Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTPD)
  It is used to transfer lppsource,SPOT and other resources from NIM server to NIM client during the NIM client booting.

Check the services are running,

#lssrc -ls inetd
bootps    /usr/sbin/bootpd   bootpd /etc/bootptab     active
tftp         /usr/sbin/tftpd        tftpd -n                    active

#grep bootps /etc/services
bootps                  67/tcp          # Bootstrap Protocol Server
bootps                  67/udp        # Bootstrap Protocol Server

#grep tftp /etc/services
tftp                    69/udp          # Trivial File Transfer
tftp                    69/tcp          # Trivial File Transfer

If the above services are not enabled, start the same.

#chubserver -v bootp -p udp -a
#chubserver -v tftpd  -p udp -a
#refresh -s inetd
#startsrc -g nfs  (Also, ensure NFS group related services are  also enabled.)

Important Directories and Files

a) /tftpboot

     When we create SPOT, kernel is copied into /tftpboot directory . All kernles of NIM clients are in the direcotry
root@aixnim1: /etc # ls -l /tftpboot
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     system           34 Dec 19 18:36 aix21.domain.com -> /tftpboot/spot_5200-08.chrp.mp.ent
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system         1276 Dec 19 18:36 aix21.domain.com.info
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system      9379964 Dec  8 15:31 spot_5200-08.chrp.64.ent
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system      9260943 Dec  8 15:31 spot_5200-08.chrp.mp.ent

b) /etc/bootptab

      File which authenticate nim client for remote boot up for nim operations like bos installation, restoration & maintenance boot. Based on the NIM operation, nim client info update and once the NIM operation completed, entry also removed automatically from this file.
      In simple words, authenticates NIM client for remote boot up.

#tail /etc/bootptab
The fields are separated with colon (:) and attributes are separated with equal sign (=):
    first field  - NIM client name
           bf       - boot file name
           ip       - NIM client IP address
           ht       - hardware type
          sa       - TFTP server address for the boot file
          gw      - gateway used by client to reach the server
          sm      - subnet mask for the nim client

c) /etc/niminfo

       The file always exists on the NIM master and client. contains information about who is master and client, port no, protocol informations.

        This is automatically generated when master was created and client was registered to master. This file was not manually edited. If any corrupted, want to be removed and recreated.

How to define the client:     #smitty nim_mkmac

How to define the resource:   #smitty nim_mkres

How to initiate the installation:   #smitty nim_bosinst

How to Rebuild on Master:     #nimconfig -r

How to Rebuild on Client:   #nimint -a master=<MASTER_HOSTNAME> -a name=CLIENT_NIM_NAME>

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How to install Instfix,APAR,PTF,TL in aix?

How to install Instfix,APAR,PTF,TL in aix?


# instfix -k <fix> -d <directory>

To install filesets

#installp -acgx -d <directory>
#smitty installp

To install PTF

#smitty install_all

INPUT device / directory for software               <PTF dir> 
  SOFTWARE to install                                [ all ] 
  PREVIEW only? (install operation will NOT occur)    no 
  COMMIT software updates?                            yes 
  SAVE replaced files?                                no 
  AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software?           yes 
  EXTEND file systems if space needed?                yes 
  OVERWRITE same or newer versions?                   no 
  VERIFY install and check file sizes?                no 
  DETAILED output?                                    no 
  Process multiple volumes?                           yes 
  ACCEPT new license agreements?                      no 
  Preview new LICENSE agreements?                     no 

To upgrade Technology level

#smitty update_all

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How to deal with Instfix in aix?

How to deal with Instfix in aix?

Check the current technology level
instfix -i | grep ML
Determine the missing filesets
instfix -icqk <ML LEVEL> | grep :-: 
To check particular APAR installed
instfix -ik <fix>
To check more info about particular APAR installed
instfix -aik <fix>
To see a list of fix on a directory
instfix -Td <directory path>
To see a list of filesets included in a APAR
instfix -ivk <fix>
To find out the APAR through filesets
instfix –aiv | grep –p <fileset>:<level>
To install a fix from a directory
instfix -k <fix> -d <directory>
To install a fix using smitty
smitty update_by_fix

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