Tuesday, August 30, 2016

How to create EtherChannel in aix?

How to create EtherChannel or Link Aggregation in aix?

Two Ethernet adapters to be aggregated together to form a single Ethernet device.
For example, ent0 and ent1 can be aggregated into an EtherChannel adapter called ent3. And interface en3 would then be configured with an IP address.

1. Ground work:

lsdev -Cc adapter             --> To check the adapter details
lsdev -Cc adapter|grep -i etherchannel            --> To check already the server has any existing etherchannel

2. Implementation

(In the below example,  the physical interfaces ent1 & ent2 are configured for etherchannel)

 #smitty etherchannel
  EtherChannel / Link Aggregation Adapters         ent1                   +
  Enable Alternate Address                                           no                     +
  Alternate Address                                                       []                      +
  Enable Gigabit Ethernet Jumbo Frames                  no                     +
  Mode                                                                            standard               +
  Hash Mode                                                                  default                +
  Backup Adapter                                                          ent2                   +
  Internet Address to Ping                                                                            []
  Number of Retries                                                       []                      +#
  Retry Timeout (sec)                                                     []                      +#

Now the etherchannel ent3 has been created.  then put IP address to the etherchannel ent3
#smit  -->  Communications Applications and Services > TCP/IP > Minimum Configuration & Startup   
Now select the ent3 as a network interface and also provide mandatory info like hostname, netmask and then start now. 
3. Validation

lsdev –Cc adapter|grep –i etherchannel   --> To confirm ent3 is a etherchannel
entstat -d enX |grep Active   --> To check the primary adapter is active
lsdev -Cc adapter             --> To check the adapter details 

4. Roll back

lsdev –Cc adapter|grep –i etherchannel   --> To check the etherchannel
#smitty etherchannel -> Remove An EtherChannel / Link Aggregation’
Reconfigure IP on the adapters

5. Downtime

NO downtime required for this task

If one adapter fails, network traffic is automatically sent on the next available adapter without disruption to existing user connections. The adapter is automatically failed back to service on the EtherChannel or Link Aggregation when it recovers.

Friday, August 26, 2016

How to find out the FC card is dual port or single port in aix?

How to find out the FC card is dual port or single port in aix?

We might come across many times that whether our Fiber channel card is single or dual port.

For example, if you want to see your fcs2 is single port or dual port in aix, then use the below command to confirm.

#lsslot -c pci |grep -i fcs2

U1.5-P1-I1 PCI 64 bit, 66MHz, 3.3 volt slot fcs2 fcs3

The above output clearly shows that fcs2 is a dual port fiber channel. That is fcs2 and fcs3.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

How to create lpar step by step in aix?

How to create lpar step by step in aix?

Go to HMC -> Select Managed system -> Select the check option near the Managed system

select Configuration ->   Create Logical partition -> AIX/LINUX

and provide the below info on each page and click next.

Create Partition:   
Provide the partition Id and Partition name

Partition profile:  
Provide profile name


Processing settings:
 Provide Min-Des-Max processing units and virtual processor value

Memory settings:    
Minimum,Desired,Maximum Memory value

Provide IO adapter, FC adapter/CDrom/Network adapter

Virtual adapter:    
Create virutal scsi/ Virtual ethernet adapter

Optional setting:
Boot mode-Normal

Profile Summary:    
It will list the summary of the lpar created

Activate the newly created lpar.

If you happy with the above article please leave your comments and reactions.

How to find out the LVM statistics in aix?

How to find out the LVM statistics in aix?

#lvmstat -v vgname -e       --> To enable the lvm statistics

#lvmstat -v vgname           --> To see the lvm statistics

make sure you turn this off with the "lvmstat -v <vg_name> -d" when you are done

#lvmstat -v vgname -d       --> To disable the lvm statistics

How to change hscroot password in HMC?

How to change hscroot password in HMC?

chhmcusr -u hscroot -t passwd

Enter the new password:
Retype the new password:

After that log out from hmc and try to login to hmc with the new password.

How To fix the timeout Issues for the users in aix?

How To fix the timeout Issues for the users in aix?

Put the following in /etc/profile otherwise add it to users $HOME/.profile



export TMOUT=10800 (the session will be not be closed for 3 (3*60*60) hour)

TIMEOUT=10800 (for bash)
TMOUT=10800 (for ksh)

If you happy with the above article, please leave your comments/reactions.

Friday, August 19, 2016

How to deal with VIO in aix?

How to deal with VIO in aix?

OS Management :

To display VIO Server level:
# ioslevel
To update the IOS software:
# updateios –dev /update
To installs a new filesets (mainly used for TL updates):
# updateios –dev /cd0 -install -accept
To commit all applied :
# updateios –commit
To rejects all uncommitted updates :
# updateios –reject
To clean all incomplete pieces of the preVIOus installation :
# updateios –clean
To remove a fileset :
# updateios –remove fileset_name
Just verifies the backup available in a tape :
# backupios –tape /dev/rmt0 -verify
Generates backup to a file. No user VGs are -nosvg back’d up :
# backupios –file /opt/file1
To display the underlying AIX OS version :
# oem_platform_level
To open a non-restricted root shell :
# oem_setup_env

License Management:

To display the current license :
# license –view
To accept the license :
# license –accept
To view if the license has been accepted :
# license
To list all the installed software and their history
# license –hist

Management of Virtual Terminals:

To open a virtual terminal for partition with id 2 :
# mkvt –id
To close a virtual terminal for a partition with id 2 :
# rmvt –id 2
To configures the devices in the VIO server :
# cfgdev
To configures the devices attached to scsi0 adapter :
# cfgdev –dev scsi0
To unconfigure the cd-rom device :
# rmdev –dev cd0

List Device Mapping:

To list all vtd and backing devices mapped to vhost2 :
# lsmap -vadapter vhost2
To list SEA and physical device mapped to ent4 :
# lsmap -vadapter ent4 –net
To list all vtd and back devices where backing devices are of type LV :
# lsmap -all -type lv
To list all network mapping :
# lsmap –all –net

List Devices :

To display all the devices :
# lsdev
To display all the virtual devices :
# lsdev –virtual
To display all the virtual adapters :
# lsdev –type adapter –virtual
To display all the slots :
# lsdev –slot s
To display all the adapters :
# lsdev –type adapter
To display parent device of a device :
# lsdev –dev hdisk0 -field parent
To list disks names and physical location alone :
# lsdev -type disk -field name physloc

Management of Virtual/Shared Devices:

 To create mapping with lv20 and vhost0
# mkvdev -vdev lv20 -vadapter vhost0
 To create mapping with hdisk6 and vhost2
# mkvdev -vdev hdisk6 -vadapter vhost2
To create a SEA that maps phy Ethernet ent4 as a vir.adap to clien

Virtual Ethernet adapters ent6 & ent7, using ent6
 # mkvdev -sea ent4 -vadapter ent6,ent7 -default ent6 -defaultid 8
To remove a specific virtual target device :
# rmvdev –vtd vtscsi10