Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How to mirror the rootvg in AIX?

How to mirror the rootvg in AIX?

This procedure is to assume the rootvg having hdisk0 and we need to take a mirror to hdisk1. 

1. Ground work:

lspv                                 --> find out the none disk on the server for the mirroring.
bootinfo -s hdisk1            --> check the size of the hdisk1 (It should be equal or bigger than hdisk0)

2. Mirror the rootvg

extendvg rootvg hdisk1             --> Extend hdisk1 into the rootvg (force to extend if it throws error "extendvg -f rootvg hdisk1")
mirrovg -S rootvg hdisk1           --> To initiate the mirror in background which help us to access the rootvg volume group
lsvg rootvg|grep -i stale      --> To check status of the sync process. (Execute the cmd again and again until the stale PPs becomes zero
lsvg -l rootvg                             --> Check and confirm the number of PPs is double than number of LPs.
bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk1            --> To create the boot images on hdisk1
bootlist -m normal hdisk0 hdisk1  -->  To add the hdisk1 on the bootlist.
bootlist -m normal -o           --> To confirm both hdisk0 and hdisk1 is part of the boot sequence.

3. Validation

lsvg -l rootvg                        --> Check and confirm the number of PPs is double than number of LPs.
lsvg rootvg|grep -i stale       --> To check the number of stale pp is Zero

4. Roll back

unmirrorvg rootvg hdisk1    --> To unmirror the hdisk1 in the mirroring.
reducevg rootvg hdisk1       --> To get the hdisk1 out of the rootvg
chpv -c hdisk1                         --> To Clear the boot image on the hdisk1
bootlist -m normal hdisk0    --> To remove hdisk1 on the boot sequence which means add the hdisk0 alone on the boot sequence.
bootlist -m normal -o           --> To confirm only hdisk0 is part of the boot sequence.

5. Downtime

NO downtime required for this mirror process.

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