Saturday, May 20, 2017

NIM server and client configuration in AIX?

NIM server and client configuration in AIX?


The below filesets required to setup NIM server and Client. We could check using      

#lslpp –l |grep nim.



We could install using below commands

installp -agXd /mnt/nimpkg/bos.sysmgt.nim.master
installp -agXd /mnt/nimpkg/

lslpp -l |grep nim - To display the and nim.master file sets
ls -l /etc/niminfo  -> The /etc/niminfo file created as part of the installation

The above installation creates the /etc/niminfo  file and the below deamons.

nimd and nimesis – daemon will get started, if it is not started, restart the inetd
startsrc –g inetd
startsrc –s nimd
startsrc -s nimesis


Lpp_source: This is having the content of aix in the CD for the aix installation

cd /export/install/nim/lpp_source
mkdir 6101LPP

smitty nim -> Perform NIM Adinistration Task -> Manage Resources -> Define a Resource
select lpp_source as resource type and enter

Fill it up the below mandatory field.
resource name                [61TL07]
resource type                 lpp_source
server of resource [master]
location of resource       [/export/install/nim/lpp_source/6101LPP]
source of install images [/cdrom]
Press enter, lpp_source will be created.

Commands to check
lsnim –l  <LPP_SOURCE NAME> detailed view
lsnim –c <lpp_name>


Spot: This is used for aix installation which is created for each lpp_source

smitty nim ->  Perform NIM Adinistration Task ->  Manage Resources ->  Define a Resource
select spot as a resource type and enter

resource name                [spot_61TL07]
resource type                 spot
server of resource [master]
source of install images [61TL07_lpp]
location of resource       [/export/install/nim/spot]

Commands to check:
lsnim –l  <SPOTR NAME> detailed view
lsnim –c <sopt_name>

 Nim master's /etc/hosts client IP and HOSTNAME and obviously client server supppose to be in DNS.

For NIM Client:
Required fileset: bos.sysmgt.nim.client   (This fileset present on aix server defaultly)

smitty nim_mkmac
Enter the machine name and press enter to continue
Select the type of network as "ent = ethernet network" and enter

* NIM Machine Name [abc_testlpar]
* Machine Type [standalone]
* Hardware Platform Type [chrp] Make sure this is set to ‘chrp’
Kernel to use for Network Boot [mp]
* Cable Type bnc/tp
* NIM Network master_net/enX
* Host Name abc_testlpar
 Press enter to continue

Commands to check
lsnim|grep -i abc_testlpar
lsnim -l abc_testlpar