How to export and mount the nfs filesystem in aix?
1. Ground work:
We need the below information in hand and confirm the required deamon
ü Nfs
Server name
ü Exported
ü Nfs
Client name
ü Nfs
local mount point name.
ü check
showmount -e --> To confirm the
exported directory list.
ü showmount
-a --> To confirm the list of nfs
client server names.
Server Side Configuration: Start the NFS and portmap daemon
# lslpp –L | grep* -->
Check the nfs server and client installed.
# startsrc –g nfs --> start the
nfs group deamon
# startsrc -s nfsd --> start
the nfsd deamon
# startsrc -s mountd --> start
the mountd deamon
# lssrc -g nfs --> check the
nfs group deamon in active state
# lssrc -s nfsd --> Check the nfsd deamon
# lssrc -s mountd --> check the
mountd deamon
• Client Side Configuration: Start the NFS and portmap daemon
# lslpp –L | grep* -->
Check the nfs server and client installed
# startsrc –g nfs --> start
the nfs group deamon
# startsrc –s portmap --> start
the portmap deamon.
# lssrc -s nfsd --> check the
nfs group deamon in active state
# lssrc -s portmap --> Check
the protmap deamon in active state.
# lssrc -s biod --> Check the
biod deamon in active state.
2. Exporting an NFS filesystem
Using Smitty:
# ls -l /etc/exports --> Check exports file exits.
# cp -p /etc/exports /etc/exports_bak --> Take the backup of the exports file.
# smitty mknfsexp --> Exporting
the nfs filesystem.
Specify appropriate
values in the PATHNAME of directory to export
MODE to export directory,
EXPORT directory now,
system restart or both fields.
# cat /etc/exports --> To
confirm the exported directory are present on the /etc/exports.
Using Command line:
# cp -p /etc/exports /etc/exports_bak
--> Take the backup of the exports file.
# vi /etc/exports --> To Create
an entry for each directory to be exported, using the full path name of the
# exportfs -a --> To read the
/etc/exports file and exports all the directories listed.
# showmount -e --> To confirm
the exported directory listed.
# showmount -a --> To confirm
the nfs client name and directory list.
3. Mounting the NFS filesystem on the client.
Using Smitty:
# showmount -e <server_name>
--> To verify the NFS server has exported the directory.
# mkdir /local_directory -->
To create the mounting directory if not already exist.
# smitty mknfsmnt --> mount the NFS filesystem.
PATHNAME of mount point.
PATHNAME of remote directory.
HOST where remote directory resides.
MOUNT now, add entry to /etc/filesystems or both?
/etc/filesystems entry will mount the directory on system RESTART.
MODE for this NFS file system.
#df -gt <NFS mount_name> --> To confirm the nfs filesystem has been mounted
Using Command line:
# showmount -e <server_name> --> To verify the NFS server has exported the directory.
# mkdir /local_directory --> To create the mounting directory if not already exist.
# mount ServerName:/remote/directory /local/directory
#df -gt
<NFS mount_name> --> To confirm
the nfs filesystem has been mounted
4. Roll back
Unexporting the NFS filesystem on the NFS server
Using Smitty:
Login to the NFS server and follw the below procedure.
# cp -p /etc/exports --> To
copy the exports directory.
# smitty rmnfsexp --> To
unexport the nfs directory.
Using command line:
# vi /etc/exports --> To Find the entry for the directory you wish to
unexport, and the delete that line.
# cat /etc/exports --> To
check the directory now is removed and unexported.
If NFS is current running,
#exportfs -u <directory_name
--> where dirname is the full path name of the directory you just
deleted from the /etc/exports file.
Removing the NFS mount on the NFS client server.
Using Smitty:
#smitty rmnfsmnt
# cat /etc/filesystems --> To confirm the entry has been deleted properly.
Using command line:
#umount <directoryname>
--> To unmount the directory.
# cp -p /etc/filesystems /etc/filesystems_bak --> To take the backup of the
/etc/filesytems file.
# vi /etc/filesystems --> Find the entry for the directory you
just unmounted, and then delete it.
# cat /etc/filesystems --> To confirm the entry for the directory you just unmounted properly.
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