How to perform OS migration from 6.1 to 7.1 using CD in aix?
Please find the below steps for migration installation:
# lsvg -p rootvg à Check
for mirrored Eg: hdisk0 and hdisk1
# umirrorvg rootvg à Breaking the mirrorr
# chpv -c hdisk1 à Clearing the boot image on hdisk1
# alt_disk_copy -d hdisk1
à Cloning of rootvg on hdisk1
# bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk1 à Creating a boot image on
# ipl_varyon -i à Check
the disk bootable or not
# cfgmgr à Detect
the 6.1 Migration CD
# lsdev | grep cd0
# ipl_varyon -i à Check
the cd and the disk bootable or not
# bootlist -m -normal -o cd0 hdisk1 hdisk0 à Changing the boot list to
boot from 6.1 OS CD */
# shutdown -Fr à Fast
** Once the Server Boots it would show the below message,**
1 = SMS menu 5
= Default bootlist
8 = Open Firmware 6
= Stored bootlist
** Ignore the above message and installation proceeds to the next
Starting Software
Please wait
** Next Screen,
Please define the System Console
Type a 1 and press Enter to use this terminal as the system console
** Type 1 and press enter,
1. Type 1 and press Enter to have English during install
** Again Type 1 and press enter,
Welcome to Base Operating System Installation and Maintenance
Type the number of your choice and press Enter. Choice is indicated
by >>>
>>>1. Start Install now with Default Settings
2. Change/show
Installation Settings and Install
3. Start Maintenance Mode
for System Recovery
4. Configure Network Disks
88 Help?
99 Previous Menu
Choice[1]: 2
**Type 2 and press enter to change the installation settings,
Installation and Settings
Either type 0 and press Enter to install with current settings
or type the number of the setting you want to change and press
1. System Settings:
Method of Installation
Disk where you want to
Install ..............hdisk0
2. Primary Language Environment settings (AFTER Install):
Cultural Conventions
........................English (United States)
....................................English (United States)
....................................English (United States)
Keyboard Type
3. Security Model...............................Default
4. More Options (Software install options)
>>> 0 Install with the current settings listed above
88 Help?
99 Previous Menu
>>> Choice[0]:
** Change the method of installation to "Migration"
Ensure that the "Disk where you want to Install" is set
to the correct disk : hdisk0
Change the "Cultural Conventions", "Language"
and "Keyboard" to your prefered location
** Type 4 and press enter for "More Options (Software install
Install Options
1. Enable System Backup to install any system....Yes
2. Import User Volume Groups.....................Yes
3. Remove Java 1.1.8 Software....................No
>>> 0 Install with the current settings listed above
88 Help?
99 Previous Menu
>>> Choice[0]:
** Check the values for the fields are as listed above and then
press enter to accept the default value of 0 "Install with the current
settings listed above
Migration Installation Summary
Disks: hdisk0
Cultural Convention: en_GB
Language: en_US
Keyboard: en_GB
Import User Volume Groups: Yes
Enable System Backup to install any system: Yes
Remove Java 1.1.8 Software: No
>>> 1 Continue with Install
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99 Previous Menu
>>> Choice[1]:
** Check the fields if all the values as correct then press enter
to accept the default value 1 "Continue with Install"
Migration menu preparation
Please wait
Approximate Elapsed
% task complete (in
** Next Screen,
Migration Confirmation
Either type 0 and press Enter to continue the installation
or type the number of your choice and press Enter
1. List the saved Base System Configuration files which will not be
merged into the system
These files are saved in
2. List the filesets which will be removed and not replaced
3. List directories which will have all current contents removed
4. Reboot without migrating
Acceptance of license agreements is required before using system.
You will be prompted to accept after the system reboots
>>> 0 Continue with the migration
WARNING: Selected files, directories and filesets (installable
from the Base System will be removed.
Choose 2 or 3 for more information
88 Help?
99 Previous Menu
>>> Choice[0]:
Have a look at each menu option then type 0 and press enter to
"Continue with the migration"
Saving system configuration files in /tmp/bos
Removing obsolete filesets, directories and files
Installing Base Operating System
Please wait
Approximate Elapsed
% task complete (in
** The installation should continue and finish and
present a login screen and check the oslevel.
# oslevel -s
**Change the bootlist.
#bootlist -m normal hdisk0