Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How to deal with SYSTEM DUMP dump in AIX ?

How to deal with system dump in AIX?

To list out the system dump attirbute: #sysdumpdev -l

To list out the last dump record details: #sysdumpdev -L

To know the potential size of the dump AIX would generate: #sysdumpdev -e

To change the primary dump device as sysdumpnull: #sysdumpdev -p /dev/sysdumpnull

To change the secondary dump device as sysdumpnull: #sysdumpdev -s /dev/sysdumpnull

To change the primary device permanently: #sysdumpdev -P -p <device_name>

To change the secondary device permanently: #sysdumpdev -P -s <device_name>

To create the secondary dump device: #mklv -t sysdump -y <dumplv_name> <vg_name> <no of PPs> <hard disk_name>  -----> #mklv -t sysdump -y lg_dumplv rootvg 6 hdisk0

To active the secondary dump device: #sysdumpdev -Ps /dev/lg_dumplv   (To activate the system dump is done by assigning it as the secondary device)

To initiate a dump, (which reboots the system as part of its process): # sysdumpstart -p

To change the copy directory use: #sysdumpdev -D <path_name>

To change "always dump condition use": #sysdumpdev -k for false, sysdumpdev -K for true

To change the type of dump use: #sysdumpdev -t <fw-assisted | traditional>

To need to uncompress the file use the dmpuncompress utility: #dmpuncompress  < filename >   (dmpuncompress vmcore.0.BZ)

To copy the most recent system dump from a system dump device to a directory, use the savecore command. For example, to copy the dump to the directory /var/adm/ras, use the below commands:   #savecore -d /var/adm/ras    (validate using:   ls -l dump_file_copy.BZ)

How to leave a system dump while rebooting the server from hmc?
chsystate -m managedSystemName -r lpar -n lparName -o dumprestart