What is the difference between extend lv and increasing the filesystem?
If we increasing the filesystem size, both "filesystem and LV are getting increased", But if we extend the LV means, it will extend (increase) only the size of lv NOT the filesystem. So again we need to increase the filesystem size to take the real effect.
Please see the example below.
here we executing the extendlv command to increase the "cvalv", pls note that there is a change in number of lv from 42 to 45, however there is no size increment on the filesystem.
So the real size of the filesytem (after extendlv) will take effect only after increasing the filesystem. (672 Mb to 720 Mb)
Thats what,all the system admin prefer to increasing the filesytem directly instead of doing extendlv + increasing FS.
The above figure explains about the difference between extend lv and increasing the filesystem.
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