Wednesday, August 5, 2015

How to perform savevg and restvg in aix?

How to perform savevg and restvg in aix?

Note: Savevg is to take the backup of the non-rootvg.

The below screenshot would explain to you about how to take savevg and restvg:

As per the above screenshot, testvg has only one filesystem named /testfs

That /testfs has only one file named "profiles.tar.gz" 


1) savevg command executed and take the backup of the testvg,  on the rootvg ( that is the destination place of the backup is rootvg)  as we have much available space on the rootvg.

2) unmount the /testfs filesystem

3) varyoff the testvg volume group

4) Remove the volume group using exportvg command

5) Now the testvg volume group has been removed and the disk has to be in none.


6) Execute the restvg command "restvg -q -f /rootvg hdisk1" and restore it on the hdisk1

7) It will create the volume group with the same name on the hdisk1 and restore the content

8) Once the restore done, we confirm the content of the VG (that the /testfs filesystem is restored )

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