How to solve current boot logical volume /dev/hd5, does not exist on /dev/hdisk# in aix?
Many cases we could receive this issue when we run mksysb
command or run alt_disk copy or create/recreate the bosboot image on the disk.
follow the below procedure to fix the issue.
#cd /usr/bin
#cp mkszfile mkszfile.old
#vi mkszfile
search for the argument "-qv" and find the
following line
BOOT_BLKS=`LC_MESSAGES=C ${bosboot} -qv | ${tail} -1l |
${awk} '{print $2 * 2}'`
Add the -d /dev/ipldevice. The line should look like
this when finished
BOOT_BLKS=`LC_MESSAGES=C ${bosboot} -qvd
/dev/ipldevice| ${tail} -1l | ${awk} '{print $2 * 2}'`
then save it and run mksysb or alt_disk again.
change mkszfile to use #bosboot -qvd /dev/ipldevice
Another blv error
If /dev/ipldevice vary with the boot disk, need to
follow the below steps to correct it. We will do the first step for sure and it
will end up with error as below, proceed with the next steps.
bosboot -ad /dev/ipldevice
0516-602 lslv: Logical volume name not entered.
0301-168 bosboot: The current boot logical volume, /dev/hd5, does not exist on /dev/hdisk0.
lsvg -p rootvg - hdisk0
lslv -m hd5 --> hdisk0 on PV1 1st partition
savebase -v - successful
will remove/recreate hd5 – no need to worry it worked good
# rmlv hd5
# mklv -y hd5 -t boot -a e rootvg 1 hdisk0
# cd /dev
# rm ipldevice
# ln /dev/rhdisk0 /dev/ipldevice
# bosboot -ad /dev/ipldevice - same error
bosboot -ad /dev/ipldevice
0516-602 lslv: Logical volume name not entered.
0301-168 bosboot: The current boot logical volume, /dev/hd5, does not exist on /dev/hdisk0.
lsvg -p rootvg - hdisk0
lslv -m hd5 --> hdisk0 on PV1 1st partition
savebase -v - successful
will remove/recreate hd5 – no need to worry it worked good
# rmlv hd5
# mklv -y hd5 -t boot -a e rootvg 1 hdisk0
# cd /dev
# rm ipldevice
# ln /dev/rhdisk0 /dev/ipldevice
# bosboot -ad /dev/ipldevice - same error
# bootinfo -B hdisk0 - 1
# ln /dev/rhd5 /dev/ipl_blv
# cd /dev - same maj/min numbers
# bosboot -ad /dev/ipldevice
Now we got the same minor and major number for hdisk0
# ls -ld /dev/ipldevice
crw------- 2 root system 20, 0 Oct 31 2019 ipldevice
# ls -ld /dev | grep -i "20, 0"
# ls -l /dev | grep "20, 0"
brw------- 1 root system 20, 0 Mar 31 08:54 hdisk0
crw------- 2 root system 20, 0 Oct 31 2019 ipldevice
crw------- 2 root system 20, 0 Oct 31 2019 rhdisk0
alt_disk_install was able to proceed now
Another blv error
0301-162 bosboot: savebase failed with
0301-165 bosboot: WARNING! bosboot failed - do not attempt to boot device.
0301-165 bosboot: WARNING! bosboot failed - do not attempt to boot device.
Boot the sever into maintenance mode
Remove the corrupted blv - #rmlv –f hd5
recreate the new hd5 blv logical volume - #
mklv -y hd5 -t boot -a e rootvg
create a bootimage - # bosboot -ad
Shutdwon -Fr