Saturday, September 10, 2016

How to reboot HMC server in AIX?

How to reboot HMC server in AIX?

1. Ground work:

Ip address or hostname of the HMC
hscroot password to access the HMC
Get the Frames and Lpars attached to this hmc
cat /proc/uptime                   --> To check the uptime of the hmc

2. Reboot the HMC using command line

Login to the hmc with hscroot access
hmcshutdown -t now -r              --> To reboot the HMC

3. Reboot the HMC using GUI mode

Login to the HMC GUI using hscroot user account
HMC management --> Shutdown or restart  --> select Restart HMC  --> Click OK

4. Post check

cat /proc/uptime                   --> To check the uptime of the hmc
Check you can see all the Frames and its Lpars.