Friday, August 19, 2016

How to deal with VIO in aix?

How to deal with VIO in aix?

OS Management :

To display VIO Server level:
# ioslevel
To update the IOS software:
# updateios –dev /update
To installs a new filesets (mainly used for TL updates):
# updateios –dev /cd0 -install -accept
To commit all applied :
# updateios –commit
To rejects all uncommitted updates :
# updateios –reject
To clean all incomplete pieces of the preVIOus installation :
# updateios –clean
To remove a fileset :
# updateios –remove fileset_name
Just verifies the backup available in a tape :
# backupios –tape /dev/rmt0 -verify
Generates backup to a file. No user VGs are -nosvg back’d up :
# backupios –file /opt/file1
To display the underlying AIX OS version :
# oem_platform_level
To open a non-restricted root shell :
# oem_setup_env

License Management:

To display the current license :
# license –view
To accept the license :
# license –accept
To view if the license has been accepted :
# license
To list all the installed software and their history
# license –hist

Management of Virtual Terminals:

To open a virtual terminal for partition with id 2 :
# mkvt –id
To close a virtual terminal for a partition with id 2 :
# rmvt –id 2
To configures the devices in the VIO server :
# cfgdev
To configures the devices attached to scsi0 adapter :
# cfgdev –dev scsi0
To unconfigure the cd-rom device :
# rmdev –dev cd0

List Device Mapping:

To list all vtd and backing devices mapped to vhost2 :
# lsmap -vadapter vhost2
To list SEA and physical device mapped to ent4 :
# lsmap -vadapter ent4 –net
To list all vtd and back devices where backing devices are of type LV :
# lsmap -all -type lv
To list all network mapping :
# lsmap –all –net

List Devices :

To display all the devices :
# lsdev
To display all the virtual devices :
# lsdev –virtual
To display all the virtual adapters :
# lsdev –type adapter –virtual
To display all the slots :
# lsdev –slot s
To display all the adapters :
# lsdev –type adapter
To display parent device of a device :
# lsdev –dev hdisk0 -field parent
To list disks names and physical location alone :
# lsdev -type disk -field name physloc

Management of Virtual/Shared Devices:

 To create mapping with lv20 and vhost0
# mkvdev -vdev lv20 -vadapter vhost0
 To create mapping with hdisk6 and vhost2
# mkvdev -vdev hdisk6 -vadapter vhost2
To create a SEA that maps phy Ethernet ent4 as a vir.adap to clien

Virtual Ethernet adapters ent6 & ent7, using ent6
 # mkvdev -sea ent4 -vadapter ent6,ent7 -default ent6 -defaultid 8
To remove a specific virtual target device :
# rmvdev –vtd vtscsi10