How to find out WWPN number of the HBA (FC) card in aix?
More often, We are in the situation to find out the wwpn number of the hba card in aix.
we are normally using "lscfg -vpl fcs(X)", or somebody using "lscfg -vpl fcs(X)|grep -i network"
But using the below for loop, we can easily identify all the hba card and its wwpn number of the server immediately.
Please keep this in your notepad, so that you can use it whenever it required.
for i in $(lscfg |grep fcs |awk '{print $2}'); do echo $i && lscfg -vl $i|grep Network;done
The output is like below.
fcs0 Network Address.............10000000ABCD1234
fcs1 Network Address.............10000000EFGH4567
fcs2 Network Address.............10000000IJKL88900
fcs3 Network Address.............10000000ABEF4567