Saturday, January 11, 2020

OS migration from 6.1 to 7.1 using NIM server in aix?

OS migration from 6.1 to 7.1 using NIM server in aix?

On the NIM server

lsnim -1 <target_lpar>
nim -o allocate -a lppsource=aix71_TL05_SP02_lppsource -a spot=aix71_TL05_SP02_spot <target_lpar>
nim -o bos_inst -a lppsource=aix71_TL05_SP02_lppsource -a spot=aix71_TL05_SP02_spot -a accept_licenses=yes -a boot_client=no <target_lpar>
lsnim -l <target_lpar>
tail /etc/bootptab

On the HMC
chsysstate -m <frame_name> -r ipar -n <targe-t_lpar_name> —o shutdown --immed
chsysstate -r ipar -m <frame_name> -o on -f Normal -b sms -n <target_lpar_name>

select the target lpar to get into the console
2 - Remote ipl
2 Interpartit Ion logical lun (choose th correct one)
1 - IPv4 Address Format
1 - Bootp
1 - IP parameters (need to fill it up Client lp,Server Ip, gateway ip, subnet mask... sometimes it automatically shows the detalli,ln this case chek the IPs against /et/bootptab)
press escape
3 - ping test
1 - Execute ping test (check the ping test success, now press enter)
M - return to in menu
5 - select boot option
1 - Select Install/boot device
6 -  Network
1 - Bootp
2 - Interpartition Logical LAN
2 - Normal Node Boot
1 - yes
1 - 1 Type 1 and press Ffltrr to have English (During install)
2 - change/show Installation Settings and Install
1 - System Settings
3 - Migration Install
77 - Display More Disk ion
77 - Display More Disk Information
Select the correct disk (1-hdisk0)
2 - Primary Language Lnvlronmrnt Settings (After Install):
38 - English (Great Britain) English (ISO8859-t) English (Great Britain)
1 English(Great Britain) KBD ID 168
[0] enter to get into actual migration
1 - Continue with Install

1 - List the saved Base System configuration files which will not be merged into the system. These files are saved in /tmp/bos.
2 list the filesets which will be removed and not replaced
3 List directories which will have all current contents removed

>>>  Choice(0J; 1
>>>  Choiceloj: 2
>> > Cholce[0J: 3
0 - Continue with the migration

Migration starts now

once the migration is done, check the OS level and version
oslevel -s
instfix -i|grep -i ml
lppchk -vm3

Note: Do not forget to change the booting option into Normal mode.
chsysstate -r ipar -m <frame_name> -o on -f Normal -b norm -n <target_lpar_name>