Migration issues - Server degraded but lppchk didn't show anything in aix?
After the server migration done,
the OS level is degraded to when i checked the "lppchk -vm3"
it did not show any output.
so I tried to check with oslevel
-rl command and identified the issue. Here is the history and solution
testlpar: # oslevel -s
testlpar: #
testlpar: # lppchk -vm3 -> lppchk didn't show any error. looks like clean
testlpar: #
testlpar: # oslevel -rl 7100-05 -> This will clearly tell you where the issue is.
testlpar: #
testlpar: # instfix -i|grep -i ml
Not all filesets for 7100-04_AIX_ML
were found
Not all filesets for 7100-05_AIX_ML
were found
testlpar: #
It clearly says that the problem is
with the java5.sdk filesets. Speak to IBM and get the Java5.sdk packages as it
is not comes in default when you download the packages from fixcentral for the
Keep the packages under
/tmp/java_package directory
cd /tmp/java_packages
inutoc .
installp -acgXYd . java5.sdk
lppchk -vm3
oslevel -rl 7100-05 -> Now the oslevel will be in the expected desired level
instfix -i|egrep -i 'ml|sp' -> All the ML and SP filesets were found.